Established soon after South Africa's transition to democracy, the Constitutional Court Trust (CCT) exists to promote human rights, the rule of law, constitutionalism and judicial independence in the African region - with a special focus on the Constitutional Court of South Africa.
It does so through artistic expression, legal scholarship and exchange programmes, public education and library initiatives.
The principle that public access to credible information is essential in the forwarding of rule of law and constitutionalism is key to the work of the CCT. As part of an ongoing collaboration with the Constitutional Court Library, the CCT is currently responsible for ensuring that data on the Constitutional Court’s judgments is available in searchable format to all Internet users.
This project facilitates the exchange of clerks between the Constitutional Court of South Africa and courts in neighbouring countries and further abroad in order to promote constitutionalism, the exchange of jurisprudence in order to strenghen the rule of law and judicial independence in Africa.
The Constitutional Court Trust administer scholarships for the benefit of promising former law clerks who have demonstrated a commitment to human rights, and an intention to continue working in the area of human rights, to study towards a Masters in Law abroad.
The Constitutional Court Trust owns and maintains the extraordinary collection of artworks donated by prominent artists and other benefactors to celebrate the Court’s role in the transition to democracy.